Speekly – UGC made easy

3. Jul 2023

The success of social media has also fundamentally changed the world of marketing. Today, influencer marketing and User Generated Content (UGC) are among the most popular methods to reach a young audience. This is because they no longer rely on the advertising messages of television & film, but increasingly on authentic content from other users. But for companies, finding a suitable UGC creator can be a huge challenge – which is where the Speekly platform comes in.

What is Speekly?

Finding the right candidate to create authentic promotional content can be quite stressful. Companies or clients often have to contact countless influencers or agencies and painstakingly enquire about availability and conditions. The yield is usually incredibly low, as successful influencers and content creators are in high demand. Speekly, on the other hand, as Germany’s largest UGC platform, can quickly establish contact.

The principle behind it is very simple: clients create an order within a few minutes, which a UGC creator can then apply for. The requirements and conditions for both sides are clear from the start, there is no cumbersome back and forth. Once a client has found a suitable candidate, they only need to clarify the final details together before the actual production begins.

In this way, a company has a high-quality and authentic video within a very short time, which it can then use for advertising purposes. The costs are usually much lower than with the production of a classic format. In addition, clients benefit from a higher conversion rate and click rates as well as lower costs per click. Young users today place particular value on high credibility.

What advantages does Speekly offer UGC creators?

However, not only the clients benefit from Speekly, but also German content creators. Immediately after registering, they can apply for new jobs and easily get in touch with brands and companies. The first contact is usually the most difficult step in the whole process.

The advantages for a UGC creator are:

  • Free registration and use
  • Hundreds of jobs to choose from at any time
  • Huge learning effects for own marketing know-how
  • Perfect way to earn money on the side
  • Access to many free products

Especially with regard to one’s own development, a platform like Speekly is literally worth its weight in gold. Not only can a user learn a lot from their clients, but on top of that, they can also establish long-term relationships for a later influencer career. It can therefore be an ideal first port of call to subsequently take off on social media yourself.

Speekly User Generated Content make-up

What advantages does Speekly offer agencies?

But agencies can also use the platform to streamline their own processes. There are numerous options for the simple management of employees and partners. In addition, there is support for transparent and efficient project management. This is of course in addition to access to the many authentic UGC Creators.

The advantages for agencies at a glance:

  • Easy management of all employees in the agency account
  • Efficient project management to manage clients, projects and orders
  • Access to over 600 talented, German-speaking content creators
  • Turnover share of 15% on all assignments
  • Opportunities for free trial work


Speekly is also the perfect platform to expand your own team. Contacts with talented and reliable creators can be established very easily, making collaboration much easier. An agency can therefore save a lot of time on this important topic, because the otherwise time-consuming search is practically completely eliminated.

UGC or influencer marketing – what’s the difference?

At first glance, user-generated content and influencer marketing seem absolutely identical to many people. But there are significant differences, especially when it comes to commissioning and marketing. In the first case, a client commissions the content creator to create only the content, which he then uses himself for advertising purposes. In this case, the UGC creator often assigns the rights and does not take care of further distribution.

With influencer marketing, on the other hand, companies primarily buy the influencer’s reach. This is usually a targeted promotion to the company’s own audience; in the best case, the product even matches the influencer. In this case, clients do not pay for the content itself, but primarily for access to the influencer’s audience. However, many (smaller) influencers also work as UGC creators because this often results in meaningful intersections.

Conclusion – Finding the right UGC Creator with Speekly

Through the world of social media, there are now more ways than ever to reach the right audience through effective outreach. One increasingly popular method is User Generated Content (UGC), to have authentic content and videos created by ‘normal’ users. This has a particularly credible effect and increases the chances of success of one’s own advertising measures.

Speekly is Germany’s largest platform for UGC creators, where many attractive jobs can be found in no time at all. Whether you are a content creator, an agency or a company, all sides can benefit equally from using Speekly. That’s why you should sign up for free at Speekly today and become a creator now!

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